Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hinduism vs. Christianity

For me, Hinduism is very different from Christianity. Why? because Hinduism believes in many God or what the called as "polytheistic". I can't also believe that Hinduism has 330 million gods. Hinduism is also a devotion to or worship of their gods VISHNU, SHIVA, KRISHNA, DUGRGA, SKANDA, and GANESA. While Christianity believes in one God. And that is JESUS CHRIST who died on the cross just to save us to temptation and to pay all sins that we made in this wonderful small world. Christianity believe in one God called as "monotheistic". Uhmmm... I think ... Hinduism and Buddhism are almost the same. Why? I think because of their beliefs. These two religion believe in karma. Karma is a moral law of cause and effect determining a person's fate predominantly in Buddhism and Hinduism. While in Christianity, We believed that what we do to others even if it is good or bad, there is always a reward. When we do good things to other people, our reward is good and awesome too. But, when we do something bad too others, expect that you will receive a bad reward too.

The description above is my opinion about the difference between the religion o Hinduism and Christianity.

How does the teachings of Buddha affect the followers of his philosophy ?

First of all, before I answer this question, I wanna tell you all guys who is "BUDDHA" .What is BUDDHA and what is BUDDHISM. SIDDHARTA GAUTAMA, also known as BUDDHA is the enlightened one of his followers while BUDDHISM is a religion and a search for enlightenment without God. The religion "BUDDHISM" was originated in the country of India. This religion was composed of 4 Noble Truths and 8 Fold Path which all the followers of BUDDHA needs to follow.

Now, the teachings of Buddha affects the followers because all the followers of Buddha need to follow the 8 fold path witch are the following: 1.)Right Understanding 2.)Right Intention 3.)Right Conduct 4.)Right Speech 5.)Right Livelihood 6.)Right Endeavor 7.)Right Awareness 8.)Right Contemplation and those are the 8 fold path of BUDDHISM. Now, the following are the 4 noble truths of BUDDHISM: 1.) Man's life is full of mystery and suffering. 2.) Man's suffering is caused by man's selfish desire. 3.)Man can end his suffering through right living. 4.)To achieve Nirvana, one must overcome one's desire through right living. and those are the 4 noble truths of Buddhism.

The description written above are the teachings of Buddha that totally affect it's followers. And last, for me, being a follower of Buddha is really awesome because you will learn too many things about the religion "BUDDHISM".

Thursday, October 7, 2010

MY PESPECTIVE OF THE 5 PILLARS OF ISLAM(1st blog official entry for 2nd qrtr.)

I think .. Islam is the MONOTHEISTIC RELIGION articulated by the QUR'AN, a TEXT considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of GOD. and by the PROPHET OF ISLAM MUHAMMAD'S teachings and normative example. ISLAM literally means "submission". Islam also is one of the 3 major world religions, along with Judaism and Christianity. The follower of Islam is called a "Muslim", which is in Arabic means "one who surrenders to GOD". The 5 PILLARS OF ISLAM are basically the tenets which Muslim all over the world follow in order to fortify the foundation on which their faith rests.

The 5 PILLARS of ISLAM ...

1.The SHAHADAH(the 1st pillar)~>or the affirmation of the oneness of Allah and of accepting Mohammed as one of his prophets. The utterance of this sentence is powerful in its simplicity because once accepted it means that a m
Muslim cannot worship or bow down in worship in any other human being or object. It gives a human being strength to survive in this world because he accpets the presence of his maker throughout his life.

2.The SALAT(the 2nd pillar)~>praying 5 times a day to Allah while facing the "EAST" in the manner that was taught to us by Prophet Mohammed and to him by the angel Gabriel. The prayers are the ultimate form of meditation and begin with ablution to mentally and physically prepare the Muslim. During prayer time, a Muslim has a chance to spend some time away from the normal hustle and bustle of life and focus on his maker to remind himself of his mortality in the grand scheme of things.

3.The SAUM(the 3rd pillar)~>fast begins at dawn and ends at dusk and no food or drink is taken until the opening time of the fast. This teaches the Muslim self-discipline and how to abstain from indulgence and also remind us on how to give to those who are hungry and deprived in this world.Charitable acts are encouraged in this month in addition to keeping the mind, body and spirit in the state of purity.

4.The HAJJ(the 4th pillar)~>Hajj of Pilgrimage which every Muslim should endeavor to undertake at least once in his lifetime.By so doing you get an opportunity ti visit the Kaaba which is the holiest shrine for Muslims in mecca whose foundation was was laid by Abraham himself.

5.The ZAKAT(the 5th pillar)~>every Muslim should pay 2.5% of his wealth to charity. The aim of Zakat is to ensure that poverty is alleviated and no person goes without the necessities of life. It is the way the collected Zakat money is distributed among those in need that will determine the success of the principle behind it.

=These 5 pillars form the basis of Islam to believe, to practice purity of mind body and soul to give charity. For a religion that exists with the thought of Allah ever watchful over everything he does and say, a Muslim has a responsibility to cultivate exemplary attributes in his character not just for himself but to all those he comes in contact with in his life.